Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown CRACKFIX-CPY - HOIT ASIA

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown CRACKFIX-CPY

Games/PC ISO / Size: 78.36 KB

R E L E A S E D    F O R    Y O U

RELEASE NAME                    Ace.Combat.7.Skies.Unknown.CRACKFIX-CPY
RELEASE DATE                    20/02/2019
RELEASE TYPE                    DOX
KIND                                    Flyin\' pew-pew
FORMAT                                RAR
PROTECTION                        Denuvo x64 + Steam
FILES N                              01x5MB

Become an ace pilot and soar through photorealistic skies with
full 360 degree movement; down enemy aircraft and experience the
thrill of engaging in realistic sorties! Aerial combat has never
looked or felt better!
Project Aces aims to revolutionize the sky with this entry in
the series, offering an experience so immersive it feels like
you\'re piloting an actual aircraft! Weather and the environment
affect your aircraft and the HUD, adding a sense of extreme
realism never felt before in a flight combat game. Epic
dogfights await!


- Copy the crack
- Enjoy

\"Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned\"

Now the crack correctly unlock DLCs and fix languages. Sorry & enjoy

Established in 1999, we are possibly the oldest Italian-based
release group still in activity.  We express a big THANK YOU  to
all those friends who helped us in various forms throughout thes
years!  Don\'t forget to support the companies and to keep the
Scene about FUN.

Fondato nel 1999, CPY e\' probabilmente il piu\' vecchio gruppo
release in Italia ancora in attivita\'.  Ringraziamo DI CUORE tutti
gli amici che ci hanno aiutati in ogni maniera in questi anni!
Ricordate di supportare le compagnie cinematografiche e di
software, e che la Scena dev\'essere basata sul DIVERTIMENTO.

Greets to CODEX, ENCRyPTED - iAT & all our friends.

Ascii      gK


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